Business without boundaries: building the ecosystem as a platform for success

Business is changing, the nature of business relationships is changing and how businesses communicate needs to change too if they are going to have the best chance of realising their founders’ biggest dreams.

Economic necessity and technological progress now mean that the fastest and most effective route to scale is often best achieved through closer collaboration with customers and establishing partnerships with people and organisations leaders would once have sought to keep at arm’s length. This greater dependence on externalities has changed the nature of business relationships, redefined how firms look at core competency and focused leaders’ minds on establishing communities of interest around their organisations that can be tapped for R&D, finance and marketing purposes.

Talk Given By:

  • James Taylor

    James Taylor of Roaring Mouse, who has consulted to some of the biggest and most innovative technology companies on both sides of the Atlantic, will share how outstanding organisations have tapped into the power of their networks to accelerate growth, and how firms of all size can communicate more effectively to establish ecosystems that can…