IP Clinic

Ailsa Pemberton, specialist IP Lawyer of the Blacks legal team is on hand to give free basic advice to innovators who are at the early stages of developing an idea.

This clinic is for individuals seeking basic advice on patents, trade marks, designs etc. You can discuss your ideas or problems with Ailsa by booking a meeting via the online networking tool once registered in advance or on the day via the Blacks Stand on the Ground Floor.

Talk Given By:

  • Alisa Pemberton 2579 B&W
    Ailsa Pemberton

    Ailsa is a specialist Intellectual Property Lawyer with 15 years practising experience. Ailsa started out in the litigious side of IP, being involved in several high profile reported cases. She has since moved primarily into non-contentious IP focussing on the identification, protection and exploitation of IP. Ailsa holds a diploma in Intellectual Property Law and…

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